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A Few Tips on How to Live a “Purposeful” Life

by | Jul 4, 2022

At one point in your life, you might have found yourself feeling down and asking “What’s the use of it all?” It’s common for us to feel like the things we’re doing in life aren’t amounting to anything and that all the effort we put into our work is all for nothing, especially when we feel like our life has no purpose.
If you’re familiar with this feeling, and especially if you feel this often, you might be lacking purpose in life. Maybe you’ve heard about having a purposeful life before but what does living life with purpose actually mean?  

What is a purposeful life?

Life without a purpose is like sailing the seas without a compass. You don’t have any clue where you’re heading but you’re still working hard every day trying to go somewhere. The same goes with a living life without a purpose. 

Without purpose, you wake up every day to work on things that might not really matter to you. It’s easy for us to fall in this trap and rely on the comfort of a routine to get us from sunrise to sunset. 

So what is a purposeful life? It’s one that has a long-term goal that you’re trying to reach. This goal isn’t just something that you’re trying to acquire like a bigger house, faster car, or a higher paying job. The idea here is to find something that gives your life meaning and everlasting happiness; something that will put a smile on your face when you’re about to die.

Does being happy mean living life with purpose?

A life’s purpose is integral to finding long-term happiness, but it doesn’t mean that everything that makes you happy is part of your purpose. 

Short-term happiness is something we all feel frequently. This is mostly based on the release of dopamine in our brains. Dopamine is an organic chemical which is released whenever we are stimulated by things that please us. This is short-term because dopamine release is based on single events. These can be things like:

  • Snacking
  • Sex
  • Watching a good movie
  • Scoring in a sport

Living life with purpose on the other hand can create long-term happiness. This is about being happy about your purpose in life, the successes that you’ve had, and the satisfaction of who you are and what you’ve accomplished. These are based on concepts and are not created by a single event. 

How to start living life with purpose

The obvious start to living a life with purpose is finding your life’s purpose. But this is always easier said than done. Some people can spend their whole lives trying to find purpose without ever finding it. But there are a few things you can do to help find your life’s true purpose.

The first thing you can do is trying new things. You’re not going to find you purpose sitting around waiting for it to find you. You’re also not going to find it by doing the same things you’re doing every day. Finding purpose means trying new things, meeting new people, and learning new things. If you feel like you haven’t found your purpose in life yet, that just means you need to try something new that sparks your interest. 

Another thing you can do is to start doing what you’re passionate about. A lot of people find their purpose in their passion and maybe you’re one of those people. Not passionate about anything right now? Then go back to first suggestion and try new things and find something that sparks joy. 

Lastly, you can start by helping others. Many find it difficult to find their passion. You can start helping them do so. Don’t make them your purpose, but make small, attainable goals to help you find purpose in your life at your own pace. Helping others in itself can be a meaningful experience hat can help you find true happiness in that. 

Start living life with purpose with the help of a life coach in Atlanta, GA

Finding your life’s true purpose is hard. Helping others might help you find it, but sometimes you just need help yourself. And the best person to help someone find their purpose is a life coach from Atlanta, Georgia like Tiffiney Booker

Tiffiney Booker is a military mom with over 20 years of experience in corporate America. As a top motivational speaker and breakthrough coach, Tiffiney is dedicated to encouraging, inspiring, and motivating others to find the transformation they seek in their lives. So book a free consulting call today and learn how Tiffiney can help you help yourself achieve total transformation!