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“High-Functioning” Anxiety: What Is It and What Can I Do About It?

by | Jun 27, 2022

If you’re here, reading this article, then anxiety is something you’re familiar with. Whether it’s anxiety of the justified kind or one that is irrational, you’ve probably felt or experienced both. However, the problem with anxiety is that everyone responds to it differently. Some go about their day like nothing is wrong, while others experience anxiety so debilitating that they can’t function as they should in their daily lives. If you’re more like the former, then you might have high-functioning anxiety and could benefit from consulting with a life coach near your place in Atlanta. 

But how exactly do you deal with this kind of anxiety? Find out what high-functioning anxiety is and what you can do if you feel like you have it in this article.

What is High-Functioning Anxiety?

It is important to keep in mind that the term “high-functioning anxiety” is not an official diagnosis of a type of anxiety disorder. However, it is something that a lot of people identify with. That is because high-functioning anxiety, as its name suggests, means you can still function and do your day-to-day tasks even with anxiety. It is a state of being where you don’t look, act, or appear anxious and can continue with your day as usual despite feeling really anxious inside. You will usually be able to keep it together during the day and just break down once you’re in the safety of your home where no one expects anything from you.

While a person with high-functioning anxiety may appear to be in control and actively involved in everyday activities, they are actually struggling to get through the day behind a seemingly confident facade. Anxiety can be caused by feeling worried or scared about things we can’t control. This might make us act differently around other people, and they might not even know it’s happening. Many persons with mild to severe anxiety will complete critical duties but restrict their exposure to new experiences or possibilities, which might lead to them needing to seek therapy.

What Can You Do About High-Functioning Anxiety?

Now that you have an idea about what high-functioning anxiety is, what can you do about it? Keep in mind, however, that although anxiety can be managed, it cannot be cured. It is important to manage your expectations before embarking on your journey towards better self-care. 

Here are some well-known activities that can help manage high-functioning anxiety:


    Cognitive behavioral therapy

    Psychotherapy, also known as “talk therapy,” is a very popular treatment for high-functioning anxiety. Cognitive behaviora therapy in particular helps people identify why they are anxious and how they can counter these thoughts. Persons who suffer from anxiety and practice CBT have greater coping skills than those who do not. CBT can be done in person, over the phone, or in a group setting.



    Meditation happens when you achieve mindfulness. Mindfulness is the state of being fully aware of oneself and one’s surroundings without passing judgment on them. It’s simply a technique to connect with oneself, even if only for a few minutes, and be totally present without becoming overwhelmed. It’s a welcome break from a tough day at work or a long day at school. You learn to stand back from all of these external pressures and simply let yourself be when you practice mindfulness.


    Yoga is a kind of mindful movement you can constantly to decrease your anxiety. It is a tried-and-tested method of mindful exercising that can help you become more in tune with your body and what it is trying to tell you.


    Tiffiney Booker is a life coach based in Atlanta, Georgia determined to help you get on your feet and reclaim your life. Tiffiney’s passion to encourage, inspire, lead, and motivate those around her is bound to rub off on you, so you’ll be inspired to embark on your journey towards self-discovery and healing.

    Learning how to deal with anxiety, making peace with having high-functioning anxiety, and unlearning toxic behaviors is just the start of your journey towards a better, happier you. If you need an experienced personal life coach to help you through this transformation, look no further than Tiffiney Booker. Book a free consulting call with her today and learn all about how she can help you grow. Start a conversation with Tiffiney at (404) 548-8837.